Henri's Watercolors
San Mateo, CA
United States
ph: 650-342-6795
"Seen It Before"
I paint because can not do otherwise. I have always had a passion for art and artists. I am one of those people who stare too long at the galleries and street exhibits, holding up the rest of the crowd. Two sisters and a nephew are life long artists and I constantly envied them for their natural talent. It seemed inevitable that one day I would try to create art of my own.
"Solitude and Me"
As soon as I enrolled in my first class, I was obsessed. I was sure my obsession would fade when the novelty wore off, but years later I am as fanatical as ever. All day, every day, the creation of art is on my mind.
I was a fiction writer before doing art, I still write. But now my powers of observation, my ability to examine people and look for the story within, is revealed in watercolor paintings as well as words.
I was a professor before doing art, I still teach. But now I am more visual in conveying ideas and concepts, a benefit from creating art.
"Then They Were Gone"
I paint my watercolors in a predominately realistic style with moderate abstractions. But I do enjoy putting unexpected colors in uncommon places in my work. I use the Japanese Sumi-e paints because of the fluidity and brilliant colors they provide. Most of my subjects are people, and more notably faces. Admittedly, I am enamored of the human expression, the eyes, the lips, the noses, the shape of the cheek and jaw line all offer endless variations for me. I like them old or young, wrinkled or smooth, gnarled or model perfect. I look for expressions that indicate thought or emotion, images that have a back story to the moment captured on paper.
~~Jane Henri
commissions accepted
(650) 342-6795 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (650) 342-6795 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Represented by
Gail Sjoman of Art Liaisons 650-596-0868. gailsjoman@artliaisons.com
Copyright 2010 Henri's Watercolors. All rights reserved.
Henri's Watercolors
San Mateo, CA
United States
ph: 650-342-6795